50 Employee Feedback Survey Questions To Improve Your Work Culture

Jun 4, 2024 | Retaining Employees

Josh Rust

As Abenity's Marketing Manager, Josh has a keen insight into the latest HR and recruiting trends.

Most companies never find out how their employees actually feel about their work

You might think you know how they feel…

But if you stick to old, tired methods of collecting feedback that just don’t work, you’ll miss the real stories and the deep feelings of your team members.

And that can really hurt a company. 

Because here’s the thing: when employees feel ignored, they can start to check out. When they check out, they do less work and stop caring as much. This can drag down everyone’s energy and squash innovation and accountability. 

But here’s the good news: 

Well-thought-out employee feedback surveys can ask the right questions in the right way—so you finally can see how your employees really feel, and respond accordingly.

Let’s dive into how you can make this happen.

The Importance of Effective Survey Questions

Asking the right questions is the secret to uncovering honest, useful feedback from your team. 

When you ask questions that hit the mark, you get answers that matter. This helps you understand what’s really going on in your workplace.

As Carl Jung says, “To ask the right question is already half the solution to a problem.”

There are 2 main types of questions in a survey. Here they are:

  • Rating scales, where employees rate something on a scale, like from 1 to 5. These are great for getting a quick snapshot of how things are going. 
  • Open-ended questions. These let employees share more of their thoughts in their own words. This mix helps you capture both the big picture and the personal details.

The key here is to mix the question types effectively. 

Why mix up the question types? Well, not all questions work the same way. By using a variety of question types, you can gather complete and actionable feedback. This helps you make smarter decisions to boost job satisfaction, personal growth, and a positive workplace culture. 

Top 50 Questions for Your Employee Feedback Survey

Picking the best questions for your survey can really make a difference. 

Here’s a list of some powerful questions divided by key areas. These questions will help you gather the insights you need to improve your workplace.

Workplace Culture

  1. How comfortable do you feel voicing your concerns within the team?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you think our team collaborates?
  3. Do you believe management supports a positive work environment? Why or why not?
  4. Can you give an example of a recent positive change in our workplace culture?
  5. What’s one thing we could do to make our workplace more inclusive?
  6. On a scale of 1-10, do you feel respected by your colleagues?
  7. What aspect of our workplace culture would you most like to see improved?
  8. How would you describe the morale within the team?
  9. Have you noticed any practices here that you believe should be discontinued?
  10. What makes you proud to be a part of this organization?

Personal Growth and Development

  1. On a scale of 1-10, are you satisfied with the growth opportunities available to you?
  2. What skills would you like to develop in your current role?
  3. How often do you receive feedback from your superiors?
  4. What tools or resources would help you perform better?
  5. Describe a situation where you felt you were learning and growing. What made it feel that way?
  6. Have you been able to attend any workshops or training sessions this year?
  7. Do you have clear career progression paths in the company?
  8. How could the company better support your professional development?
  9. Are there any barriers that prevent you from growing in your role?
  10. How effective are your one-on-one meetings with your supervisor?

Management and Leadership

  1. How effectively do you think management communicates with employees?
  2. Do you feel that your manager is approachable and helpful?
  3. What quality do you appreciate most in your manager?
  4. In what ways can management improve their support for the team?
  5. On a scale of 1-10, how clearly are expectations and goals communicated to you?
  6. Do you feel that management is transparent about company decisions?
  7. How does management handle conflict and disputes?
  8. What could your manager do to better support you?
  9. Do you believe leadership is receptive to new ideas?
  10. On a scale of 1-10, how consistently does management follow through on promises?

Work-Life Balance

  1. On a scale of 1-10, do you feel you have a good balance between your work and personal life?
  2. What would help you achieve a better work-life balance?
  3. Are the current work hours flexible enough for your needs?
  4. How often do work pressures affect your personal time?
  5. Do you feel comfortable taking time off when you need to?
  6. Does the company culture support taking mental health days?
  7. How manageable is your current workload?
  8. Are there options for remote or flexible work if needed?
  9. Do you feel pressured to work overtime often?
  10. How does the company support your well-being outside of work?

Recognition and Compensation

  1. Do you feel that your efforts are adequately recognized and rewarded?
  2. How satisfied are you with the recognition practices here?
  3. Are there any additional benefits you would like the company to offer?
  4. If you would rate the fairness of our compensation from 1-10, how fair is it?
  5. What form of recognition motivates you the most?
  6. How timely and fair is the performance evaluation process?
  7. Do you think the bonus structure is clear and fair?
  8. Are compensation adjustments communicated transparently?
  9. How does the company recognize exceptional work?
  10. Are employee benefits meeting your needs?

How to Create an Effective Employee Feedback Survey Using These Questions

Now that you have these questions, you have to use it the right way.

Creating an effective employee feedback survey is more than just throwing together a few questions. 

It’s about arranging it in a way that makes sense for your employees and you. So, here’s how you can build a survey that gets you the insights you need.

Start With a Clear Goal

Ask yourself: what do you want to learn from this survey? 

Is it knowing workplace culture, work-life balance, growth, or productivity? Whatever it is, begin with the end in mind.

Understanding your goal helps you pick the right questions. Make sure every question serves a purpose. 

If it doesn’t help you meet your goal, cut it.

Keep it simple

Your survey should be easy to understand and quick to complete. 

Use clear, simple language. Aim for questions that are short and to the point. This makes it easy for employees to respond and increases the chances they will complete the survey. 

Later, we’ll dive deeper into how you can maximize your employee’s survey participation. Stay tuned.

Mix up Question Types

Use a combination of rating scales, multiple-choice, and open-ended questions. 

This will keep the survey engaging and provide you with different types of data. 

Rating questions give you quick insights. Open-ended questions let employees share more detailed thoughts. You’ll get a well-rounded set of data if you mix up question types

Introduce New Technologies

Move beyond yearly surveys. 

Nowadays, there are platforms that allow for continuous feedback. This keeps your finger on the pulse of employee sentiment all year round.

Some examples are:

  • Officevibe – Weekly pulse surveys, anonymous feedback, and reporting tools.
  • TinyPulse – Frequent short surveys, peer recognition, and performance reviews.
  • Culture Amp – Psychology-based surveys for insights on engagement and culture.
  • Qualtrics XM – Real-time surveys, 360-feedback, and action planning.
  • SurveyMonkey – Continuous feedback via automated surveys and analytics.
  • Lattice – Integrates performance management with engagement data.

You can also use AI tools to analyze responses, especially open-ended ones. AI can help you spot trends and sentiments that you might miss. It turns raw data into clear insights quickly.

Make sure these technologies work well with your existing HR systems. They should enhance your processes, not complicate them.

Make it Fun 

Make giving feedback fun! 

Use elements like points, badges, and leaderboards to encourage participation. This can make employees more likely to take part and engage with the survey seriously.

Test and Refine

Before rolling out your survey to everyone, test it in a small group. Use their feedback to make any necessary adjustments. 

This helps you fine-tune the survey for better results.

These are simple but effective steps that really spark change. Dive in, use these tips, and watch how they can revolutionize the way you gather and use employee feedback.

How to Maximize Survey Participation

Getting everyone to take part in your survey can be tough, but it’s crucial for getting reliable results. 

Yes, you have a great survey. But if your employees don’t participate, it’s useless.

You won’t gather data. You won’t have awareness. You can’t make changes.

So, here are some strategies to boost those response rates and keep your team engaged.

Guarantee Anonymity 

Make sure employees know their responses are anonymous. 

This builds trust. When people feel safe, they’re more likely to be honest and open in their feedback.

Before the survey even begins, explicitly communicate to employees that their responses are completely anonymous. Explain how privacy is protected.

Or, much better, choose survey tools that are known for robust security features to reassure employees about their privacy.

Tools like:

  • Qualtrics – Offers advanced security measures, including ISO 27001 certification, GDPR compliance, and end-to-end data encryption.
  • SurveyMonkey – This platform is well-known for its commitment to security, providing features like data encryption at rest and in transit, HIPAA compliance for applicable customers, and compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR.
  • Google Forms – While accessible, Google also prioritizes security with automatic data encryption, secure data centers, and compliance with various international privacy laws.
  • Typeform – Known for its user-friendly design and robust data protection, Typeform offers GDPR compliance, data encryption, and regular security audits to protect respondent data.

Show the Value 

Tell your team why this survey matters. 

How will it help them? How will it improve the workplace? If they see the benefit, they’re more likely to take the time to respond.

During team meetings or through internal communications, clearly explain how the survey results will be used to make improvements in the workplace.

After the survey, share what changes are being implemented as a result of their feedback. This shows the direct impact of their contributions.

Pick the Right Time

With surveys, timing is everything. 

Don’t send out a survey during busy periods. Choose a quieter time when your team can give the survey the attention it deserves.

Schedule surveys during slower periods when employees are less likely to be overwhelmed with regular tasks. For instance, avoid end-of-quarter or major project deadlines.

It’s better if you send out surveys earlier in the week and avoid weekends. Mid-morning or after lunch are typically good times when employees are more likely to engage.

Keep It Regular But Not Too Often

Regular surveys are good because they keep you updated. 

But too many surveys can lead to fatigue. 

So, find a balance. Maybe quarterly or twice a year, depending on what works for your team.

The important this is to establish a predictable schedule for surveys (like once every six months) so employees know when to expect them and can prepare their feedback.

Keep track of participation rates. If you notice survey fatigue—declining rates—adjust the frequency accordingly.

Make It Engaging

Use interactive formats. 

Think about sliding scales, clickable images, or even quick polls. These are fun to do and can keep people interested.

Remember: keep questions concise and focused to maintain engagement. Limit open-ended questions to avoid survey fatigue.

Go Mobile

Make sure your survey works well on mobile devices. 

The truth is that many people prefer using their phones for tasks like this. So,  mobile-friendly design makes it easy for them to respond anytime, anywhere.

Test on different screens to ensure formatting is intact and user-friendly.

Provide a direct link to the survey through email or via a mobile app that most employees use. You have to make it accessible with just a tap.

By following these tips, you can see better participation in your surveys. 

More feedback means better insights and better insights mean a stronger, more connected workplace.

4 Tips for Analyzing Survey Results for Actionable Insights

Analyzing your survey results is what makes raw data into real, actionable changes. 

So, here’s how to get the most out of your survey data and really listen to what your employees are saying.

Understand the Data

Start by looking for patterns and spotting trends in the answers. 

Are many employees unhappy with work-life balance? Is there high satisfaction with team collaboration? Identifying these patterns helps pinpoint what’s working on your job satisfaction survey and what’s not.

Analyze the data by department, age group, or job role. This can show you if certain issues are more pronounced in different parts of the organization.

This way, you can tailor your solutions to different categories.

Use the Right Tools

Use data analysis tools designed for survey data. 

Tools like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or advanced platforms like Qualtrics can automatically summarize data and make it easier to interpret.

For open-ended responses, use text analysis software. These tools can analyze text for common keywords and sentiments. As we said earlier, you can also do this using AI—specifically ChatGPT.

You can make ChatGPT work for you by analyzing your survey results and interpreting the data to turn it into real and actionable changes.

You can use the world’s smartest brain to do the work for you. Pretty nifty, right?

Share the Results

Once you’ve analyzed the data, share the findings with your team. 

Be transparent. You are their leader.

This transparency builds trust and shows employees that their feedback is taken seriously.

However, don’t just share data; show how you plan to use it. Outline potential changes or actions that might be taken based on their feedback. 

This will put a fire in their hearts to continue participating and show that their input can lead to real change.

Regular Feedback Loops

Consider follow-up surveys to dig deeper into specific issues. 

This shows employees you’re serious about understanding and addressing their concerns.

Regularly update your team on how their feedback has led to changes. This ongoing communication creates a strong culture of trust and continuous improvement.

By being thorough in your analysis and transparent in sharing the results, you create an environment where employees feel valued and involved. 

From Feedback to Action: Implementing Changes

Once you analyze the data, it’s time for action.

You have to transform these data into something that makes a difference.

I’m about to share with you how to do that.

Step 1: Categorize and Prioritize Feedback

Sorting feedback into themes helps us see the big issues and good points. 

We pick the most pressing issues to fix first. This way, we tackle the problems that really matter and make a big difference where it counts.

Start by grouping feedback into categories like communication, workload, or company culture.

Not all issues are equally urgent. So, decide which ones need immediate attention based on their impact on employee satisfaction and business operations.

Step 2: Set Measurable Goals

Clear goals tell us exactly what we need to achieve. 

They help everyone know if we’re on track and keep us all accountable. Setting SMART goals makes sure our targets are realistic and relevant, keeping everyone pushing forward.

For example, if based on the survey, workload is the main concern, a goal might be to reduce overtime hours by 20% within six months.

Step 3: Plan Your Actions

After you set your clear goals, you have to plan the actions you will take.

Planning turns our goals into steps we can actually follow. It also makes sure we have what we need—like time and money—to get things done. 

This planning helps us move from ideas to action smoothly.

For each goal, outline specific actions. If the goal is to improve communication, an action might be to introduce monthly team meetings.

Determine what resources (time, budget, personnel) are needed to implement these actions.

Step 4: Involve Employees

When employees help make the plans, they care more about the results. 

They know the changes will help because they helped design them. This makes everyone more excited and supportive of the new changes.

Ask for their ideas on how to address the issues raised. This can be done through follow-up surveys, workshops, or team meetings.

After that, give your employees roles in the implementation process. This increases their investment in the outcomes.

Step 5: Implement Changes

Now, here’s the important part—making the actual changes based on the results of feedback.

Here’s a friendly reminder: start slow. 

Starting slowly with new changes helps everyone adjust without stress. We can fix small problems before they get big. This step makes it easier for everyone to adapt and succeed.

You can also help build confidence in your team by getting things done and adjusting based on feedback.

Step 6: Communicate Progress

Keeping everyone updated about what’s changing and why keeps the team in the loop. 

Sharing successes and challenges helps build trust and shows that everyone’s effort is making a difference.

Recognize and celebrate when goals are met. This reinforces the value of feedback and the impact of everyone’s contributions.

In the future, they’ll be more inclined to participate because they know that they contributed to making a difference.

Step 7: Review and Adjust

Checking how well the changes worked lets us learn and grow. 

It shows us what’s working and what’s not so we can keep getting better. This step keeps us improving all the time.

So, after implementing changes, review their effectiveness. Ask yourself: have they met the goals? What can be improved?

Then, use what you’ve learned to refine your actions. 

Make Employee Feedback Work for You

Real improvements in the workplace are all about really listening to your team and taking action to it. 

By asking the right questions, you can get important data, get everyone involved, and create changes that truly make a difference.

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Let’s use what we’ve learned from those surveys and make changes that make the workplace better but also help your company grow. 

Your team has shared their thoughts—now act on them and see how far we can go!

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