How Long Does Onboarding Take? The Complete Guide for Employers

Oct 20, 2023 | HR Trends

Josh Rust

As Abenity's Marketing Manager, Josh has a keen insight into the latest HR and recruiting trends.

How much is necessary…and how much is too much?

That’s the big question, isn’t it? 

When you’re trying to figure out how to improve your company’s onboarding process, the big question is, “How long should onboarding last?” 

Let’s face it, a long and meaningless process is boring. You don’t want to discourage your employees from the get-go. 

In this complete guide, we’ll talk about pros, cons, what you should absolutely cover, and what you’re safe to leave out of your onboarding process.

So, let’s dive into the details. 

What Is the Onboarding Process? 

Simply put, it’s the official introduction for new employees. 

It’s the journey from their first day on the job to becoming fully integrated team members.

Why is it important? 

Think about it this way: 

Have you ever attended a gathering where you didn’t know anyone? It can be a bit uncomfortable, right? 

Well, for new employees, starting a new job can feel similar. The onboarding process plays the role of making sure newcomers feel at ease and valued.

 But not just that. It helps them feel like they know what’s going on—like they have their feet under them. It helps them avoid having to ask questions on the job.

It helps them grasp your company’s culture, policies, and expectations while building excitement about their new role. 

When you do it effectively, onboarding can lead to more content and engaged employees. 

How Long Does Onboarding Take? 

Now that we know what onboarding is, let’s address the most important question: How long does it take to onboard a new employee?

Onboarding takes around three months on average for new hires.

However, according to Bamboo HR, only 37% of businesses say their programs last for more than 30 days.

But if you want an effective onboarding process for your company, the answer is that onboarding takes exactly as long as it needs to, and no longer.

It’s not a fixed recipe—it should align with your company’s unique needs and resources.

Each organization is different. What works for one company might not be the right fit for another. 

Factors such as your industry, job complexity, and company culture all contribute to determining the ideal onboarding duration.

Let’s explore this further.

Industry Pace

Consider the pace of your industry. 

Do your employees need to adapt and contribute quickly? In such cases, a streamlined, shorter onboarding process could be the answer. 

However, a more comprehensive onboarding journey may be necessary if your business involves intricate details and specialized skills.

Resource Allocation

Take a moment to evaluate your available resources. 

Do you have a dedicated team to guide new hires through the process, or are you working with limited personnel? 

The time and manpower you can provide will significantly influence how long your onboarding process takes.

Striking the Right Balance

It’s crucial to balance getting new employees up to speed and overwhelming them. 

Rushing through onboarding may lead to confusion, while a lengthy onboarding process can result in frustration.

Ultimately, the goal is to find the optimal fit for your company’s specific flow. 

There’s no universal magic number of days or weeks. 

So, get ready to tailor your onboarding process to match your company’s needs. Keep reading as we dive deeper into creating the perfect onboarding timeline for your company.

6 Keys to the Onboarding Process

Now that we’ve explored the importance of tailoring your onboarding process, let’s dive into the essential components that every effective onboarding journey should have. 

Key #1: Clear Communication

Effective onboarding begins with clear and open communication. 

Ensure that your new employees have a good understanding of what to expect during their onboarding journey. This includes:

  • Company Culture: Share insights into your company’s values, culture, and mission. Help new hires understand what makes your organization unique.
  • Policies and Procedures: Communicate your company’s policies, including HR guidelines, code of conduct, and any essential regulations they must be aware of.
  • Job Expectations: Clearly define their roles and responsibilities. Outline what’s expected of them from day one, helping them feel confident in their new positions.

Key #2: Personalized Training

Not all employees have the same needs—and their training should reflect that. 

Tailor your onboarding process to align with your new hires’ specific roles and responsibilities. 

This involves:

  • Customized Curriculum: Develop training materials that are specific to each job role. Provide relevant information and resources that directly apply to their daily tasks.
  • Skills Enhancement: Identify the skills and knowledge required for success in their positions. Offer training sessions, workshops, or resources that help them acquire these skills.
  • Mentorship: Pair new employees with experienced team members who can guide them in their roles. Mentorship can accelerate their learning and integration into the team.

Key #3: Introduction to Colleagues

Building relationships is a crucial aspect of any successful onboarding process. 

Encourage introductions and interactions with colleagues and managers through:

  • Team Meetings: Schedule team meetings or gatherings to introduce new hires to their colleagues. Make them feel welcome and part of the group.
  • Buddy Systems: Implement a buddy system where experienced employees can act as mentors or guides, helping newcomers navigate the company culture and processes.
  • Open-Door Policies: Emphasize an open-door policy among management and colleagues. Encourage new employees to ask questions and seek help when needed.

Key #4: Accessible Resources

New employees should have easy access to the resources they need to excel in their roles. 

Ensure that they have:

  • Employee Handbook: Provide a comprehensive employee handbook that outlines company policies, benefits, and guidelines. Make it easily accessible digitally or in print.
  • Training Materials: Offer training materials and resources that are easily accessible. This can include online courses, manuals, or video tutorials.
  • Mentor Support: Ensure that mentors or colleagues are readily available to answer questions and provide guidance when new hires need assistance.

Key #5: Regular Feedback

Feedback is a vital part of employee development

Create an environment where new employees feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback. 

This includes:

  • Feedback Sessions: Schedule regular feedback sessions to discuss performance, goals, and areas for improvement.
  • Constructive Feedback: Provide constructive feedback that focuses on growth and improvement. Encourage open dialogue and active listening.
  • Recognition: Recognize and celebrate achievements and milestones. Acknowledging their efforts can boost motivation and job satisfaction.

Key #6: Integration

Integrating new employees into your company culture is essential for long-term retention. 

Make your team members feel like they belong through:

  • Team Activities: Organize team-building activities or social events to help new hires connect with their colleagues.
  • Cultural Immersion: Share stories, traditions, and values that define your company culture. Help new employees understand and embrace these aspects.
  • Inclusivity: Create an inclusive workplace where you celebrate diversity. Ensure that every team member feels valued and respected.

These six tips are the foundation of a successful onboarding process. 

They collectively ensure that new employees understand their roles, feel valued, and are integrated into the company culture. 

How to Determine the Perfect Timeline for Your Onboarding Process 

We’ve discussed the importance of tailoring your onboarding process to fit your company’s needs. 

Now, let’s get into the details of crafting the perfect onboarding timeline for your company. 

Step #1: Know Your Industry

Understanding your industry’s pace and demands is crucial. 

Is it a fast-paced industry where employees need to hit the ground running, or does it allow for a more gradual adjustment? This information sets the foundation for your timeline.

Understanding your industry’s dynamics is essential. 

You can do this through:

  • Industry Research: Conduct thorough research on your industry to identify common onboarding practices. Learn about the average time frames other companies in your field follow.
  • Consult Industry Peers: Reach out to colleagues in your industry and inquire about their onboarding experiences. Understanding industry standards can provide valuable insights.
  • Benchmark Competitors: Study your competitors’ onboarding processes. What are they doing differently, and how do they adapt to industry-specific demands?

Step #2: Define Job Complexity

Different job roles have different learning curves. 

Determine the difficulty of each position and tailor your onboarding timeline accordingly. For instance, high-complexity roles may require more in-depth training.

To tailor your onboarding process to the position:

  • Job Role Assessment: Evaluate each job role within your organization. Identify the specific skills, knowledge, and competencies required for success in each role
  • Customized Training Modules: Develop training modules that align with the requirements of each role. 
  • Role-Specific Mentoring: Consider assigning mentors or trainers who are well-versed in high-complexity roles. They can provide targeted guidance.

Step #3: Evaluate Company Culture

Your company’s culture plays a significant role in onboarding. 

If your culture is unique or has specific rituals, ensure that your timeline accommodates these aspects to make new employees comfortable.

To include your company culture in your onboarding timeline:

  • Culture Assessment: Define your company’s culture. Identify key elements such as values, traditions, and rituals that newcomers should know.
  • Integrate Cultural Activities: Plan specific activities or sessions during onboarding that immerse new employees in your company’s culture. This could include welcome rituals or culture-themed training.
  • Employee Testimonials: Share stories and experiences from long-standing employees to illustrate the importance of your company’s culture. Make it relatable and engaging.

Step #4: Assess Available Resources

Take stock of your available resources, including training materials, mentors, and HR staff. 

Assess the manpower and tools at your disposal to gauge how efficiently you can conduct the onboarding process.

To make the most of your available resources:

  • Resource Inventory: Create an inventory of available resources, including training materials, staff, and technology. This provides a clear picture of your capabilities.
  • Resource Allocation: Determine how you’ll distribute these resources throughout the onboarding. Make sure they align with your defined milestones.
  • Budget Considerations: Assess whether additional resources are needed and allocate a budget accordingly. The right resources are essential for a successful onboarding process.

Step #5: Define Milestones

Break down the onboarding journey into key milestones. 

Identify what new hires should accomplish at each stage. This helps track progress and ensures that the process stays on course.

Here’s how you can break down your onboarding process into milestones:

  • Task Identification: Identify the specific tasks and goals that new hires should achieve at various stages. Make sure these milestones align with job roles and company objectives.
  • Timeline Creation: Assign realistic timeframes to each milestone. Consider the complexity of tasks and the capacity of new employees to absorb information.
  • Monitoring Progress: Implement tools or systems to monitor the progress of new hires as they move through these milestones. This helps identify any bottlenecks or areas requiring additional support.

Step #6: Set Realistic Timeframes

Set realistic timeframes for each milestone. 

Avoid overwhelming new hires by spacing out training and tasks appropriately. It’s better to take a bit longer to guarantee understanding than to rush through.

Here’s how you can set realistic timeframes for each milestone:

  • Task Duration Assessment: Review each milestone’s tasks and assess how long they realistically take to complete. Consult with experienced employees if needed.
  • Flexibility Consideration: Allow some flexibility in your timeline. Unexpected situations may arise, and new hires might require more time for certain tasks.
  • Alignment with Learning Pace: Ensure that the timeline aligns with the average learning pace of new employees. Avoid overwhelming them with tight deadlines.

Step #7: Seek Employee Feedback

Involve your current employees in the process. 

Their insights can help fine-tune the timeline. Ask for feedback on their own onboarding experiences and if they felt the process was too rushed or too lengthy.

Actively involving your employees in the process of fine-tuning your onboarding timeline is crucial. 

Here’s how you can do it effectively:

  • Feedback Solicitation: Encourage open communication with current employees who have recently completed the onboarding process. Seek their feedback on what worked well and what could be improved.
  • Feedback Surveys: Create surveys or feedback forms that allow employees to share their insights anonymously if they prefer. This can provide honest feedback.
  • Focus Group Discussions: Organize focus group discussions or meetings where employees can openly discuss their onboarding experiences. This format can lead to rich, qualitative insights.
  • Feedback Analysis: Carefully analyze the feedback received. Look for common trends or recurring suggestions that can inform adjustments to the onboarding timeline.

Step #8: Pilot the Timeline

Before fully implementing your new timeline, consider running a pilot program with a small group of new hires. 

This allows you to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement.

Before fully implementing your new onboarding timeline, you can follow these steps:

  • Select a Pilot Group: Choose a small group of new hires to participate in a pilot program. Ensure that this group represents a diverse range of job roles and backgrounds.
  • Detailed Monitoring: Monitor the progress of the pilot group closely. Collect feedback from both the new hires and the mentors or trainers involved.
  • Adapt in Real-Time: Be prepared to make real-time adjustments based on the pilot program’s findings. Flexibility is key to refining your timeline effectively.

Step #9: Continuous Evaluation

Once your customized onboarding timeline is in place, you still need one more step: 

You have to evaluate its effectiveness continuously. Make adjustments based on feedback, performance metrics, and evolving company needs.

Once your customized onboarding timeline is in place, it’s important to keep a regular evaluation process.

Here’s how you can evaluate your onboarding process:

  • Performance Metrics: Define key performance metrics related to employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. Regularly measure and analyze these metrics.
  • Regular Surveys: Continue conducting regular surveys or feedback assessments among new hires. Use these assessments to gauge their experiences and identify areas for improvement.
  • Adapt and Evolve: Be open to adapting your onboarding timeline as your company evolves. Changes in company size, culture, or industry dynamics may necessitate adjustments.
  • Stay Current: Stay informed about industry best practices and emerging trends in onboarding. Incorporate relevant updates into your timeline to ensure it remains effective.

By following these nine steps, you can create an onboarding process with the perfect timeline for your company. 

Tailoring your approach ensures that new employees feel well-prepared, valued, and ready to contribute effectively. 

Tailor Your Onboarding Process to Attract Top Talent

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored how long onboarding actually takes.

As you create your ideal onboarding timeline, remember that it will need to evolve as your company evolves.

Your commitment to refining and optimizing the process will result in a more engaged, prepared, and valued workforce.

Now, it’s your turn. Take these insights and integrate them into your organization’s onboarding process. 

But before you go, don’t miss our Employee Perks Report! 

It offers a comprehensive comparison of the savings provided by top industry discount providers. 

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