Compensation Planning: 10 Easy Steps for Your Company 

Oct 20, 2023 | Employee Benefits

Josh Rust

As Abenity's Marketing Manager, Josh has a keen insight into the latest HR and recruiting trends.

Compensation is a driving force behind your employees well-being, motivation, and productivity. 

It’s also crucial to your ability to compete for top talent in the marketplace. Without great compensation, you’ll have trouble hiring.

But this doesn’t always mean you have to pay the highest salaries in the industry. In fact, with proper planning, great compensation can be very affordable. But how?

This is where it pays to make sure you have the right compensation program. 

In this guide, we’ll break down the basics of compensation planning, explain why it’s crucial, and give you the keys to creating the right plan for your business.

Let’s get started. 

What Is a Compensation Plan?

A compensation plan tells you how to properly reward and motivate your employees

In other words, think of a compensation plan as a way to answer questions like:

  • How much should we pay our employees?
  • What kind of benefits and perks should we offer?
  • How do we tie employee pay to their performance and responsibilities?

Essentially, the game plan helps you keep your employees happy and motivated while staying competitive in the job market. 

So, if you’ve ever wondered how to strike that balance between what your employees deserve and what your business can afford, a compensation plan is your answer.

Now that you know what a compensation plan is, let’s dive deeper into why it’s crucial for your company’s success.

Why Is Compensation Planning Important? 

Compensation planning can actually make or break your company’s success. 

Here’s why:

1. Motivation and Retention

People need rewards for their hard work. Or they’ll stop working so hard.

And one of the best rewards that you can give your employees is a well-structured compensation plan.

A proper compensation plan motivates your employees. Because if your employees are unmotivated, they will be unproductive—or worse, they might just leave.

But when they know they’ll be fairly rewarded for their efforts, they’re more likely to stick around.

2. Attracting Top Talent

In the game of business, you want the best players on your team. 

You can convince top talent to join your company with a solid compensation plan. 

These high-performing individuals often have choices, and they’ll go where they see the best rewards.

3. Aligning with Business Goals

Your compensation plan can be a strategic tool. 

It helps align employee efforts with your company’s objectives. When you tie rewards to performance and goals, you ensure everyone is rowing in the same direction.

For example, you can reward your employees for reaching a quota. 

If they meet the quota, it’s great for the business. But more than that, they’ll look forward to the reward for reaching the quota.

It’s a win-win situation for both you and your employees.

4. Employee Satisfaction

Happy employees mean a happier workplace. 

A compensation plan that’s fair and transparent reduces friction and keeps your team content. They know they’re getting what they deserve, which leads to less turnover and more productivity.

5. Market Competitiveness

We’re in a fast-paced business world. If you want to keep up, your compensation needs to be on par with industry standards. 

A well-crafted plan ensures you remain competitive and don’t lose talent to competitors.

Compensation planning is essential because it motivates, attracts, satisfies, and keeps your company competitive. 

The 2 Types of Compensation 

Now that we know why compensation planning is crucial, let’s zoom in on the two types of compensation

Compensation comes in two primary types: direct and indirect compensation.

Direct Compensation

This one’s pretty straightforward. 

Direct compensation includes the cold, hard cash your employees receive, often in salaries or hourly wages. 

It’s the money they see in their bank accounts, and it’s a significant motivator for most people.

Indirect Compensation

Here’s where things get interesting. 

Indirect compensation includes all the goodies that might not come as a direct deposit but add value to your employees’ lives. 

Think of benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, or even those free snacks in the break room. 

These perks might not appear on a paycheck, but they contribute to job satisfaction and well-being.

So, why are both of these types important?

Direct compensation ensures your employees can pay their bills, buy groceries, and lead comfortable lives. And again, it’s the primary reason people work—to earn a living.

Indirect compensation, on the other hand, can set your company apart from the competition. 

It shows that you care about your employees’ health, future, and work-life balance. When you offer an excellent benefits package, you create a more attractive workplace, boost retention rates, and attract top talent.

It’s not an either-or situation. Direct and indirect compensation play a vital role in creating a well-rounded and enticing compensation plan. 

It’s all about finding the right balance to keep your employees both financially stable and genuinely happy with their jobs.

5 Keys to a Great Compensation Plan 

Creating a compensation plan that works isn’t rocket science. 

It’s about understanding what your employees need, what your business can provide, and finding the sweet spot in between. 

Here are five key elements that make up a great compensation plan:

Key #1: Fair and Competitive Salaries

Paychecks matter. After all, it’s the main reason that people work.

So start by ensuring that your employees receive fair and competitive salaries within your industry. Research what similar roles pay and adjust accordingly. 

Fair compensation is the foundation of any successful compensation plan.

Key #2: Benefits that Count

Indirect compensation, like benefits, can set you apart. 

Health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off are important perks that improve your employees’ lives. 

These benefits show you value their well-being.

And at the end of this post, we’ll give you something fantastic for bringing amazing employee perks and benefits to your company. 

So stay tuned!

Key #3: Performance-Based Incentives

Motivate your team by tying their performance to rewards. 

Performance-based incentives, like bonuses or profit-sharing programs, encourage employees to strive for excellence and align their efforts with your business goals.

Key #4: Transparency and Communication

Make sure your compensation plan is clear and transparent. 

Employees should understand how it works and what they must do to progress. Open communication about compensation encourages trust and avoids misunderstandings.

Key #5: Regular Reviews and Adjustments

Once you have your compensation plan, be flexible with it.

Regularly review and adjust it to keep up with industry standards and changing business needs. 

What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow, so stay flexible.

These five keys are the foundation of a great compensation plan. It’s all about balance, fairness, and ensuring your employees feel valued

How to Develop the Right Compensation Plan for Your Employees

Now that you understand the core elements of a great compensation plan, it’s time to develop the right compensation plan for your employees.

Here are ten simple steps to create the right compensation plan for your employees:

Step #1: Know Your Budget

Start by understanding how much you can allocate for compensation. 

Your budget sets the limits for salaries, bonuses, and benefits. You want to be realistic about what your business can afford while remaining competitive.

Here are the things you can do to know your budget:

  • Financial Assessment: Start by conducting a thorough financial assessment of your company. Analyze your revenue, profits, and overall financial health. Determine how much of your budget you can allocate to compensation without compromising the financial stability of your business.
  • Prioritize Objectives: Consider your business objectives. Are you aiming for rapid growth, stability, or something in between? Your compensation budget should align with your overarching goals.
  • Factor in Employee Growth: Anticipate growth in your workforce. If your company plans to hire additional employees, your compensation budget should account for their salaries and benefits.

Step #2: Job Analysis

Conduct a thorough analysis of each role within your organization. 

Understand the responsibilities, skills, and experience required for each position. This forms the basis for fair and competitive salaries.

Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Job Descriptions: Develop detailed job descriptions for each position in your organization. These descriptions should outline each role’s duties, responsibilities, and qualifications.
  • Skill and Experience Evaluation: Evaluate the skills and experience needed for each job. This assessment will help you determine the relative value of different roles within your company.
  • Internal Consistency: Ensure that job titles and descriptions are consistent across your organization. This consistency helps maintain transparency and fairness in your compensation plan.

Step #3: Market Research

Research industry salary benchmarks for similar positions in your area. 

Knowing what competitors pay for similar roles helps you stay competitive in the job market.

Best practices for market research can include:

  • Industry Data: Research industry-specific salary data for comparable positions in your geographic region. You can find relevant information from industry associations, government labor statistics, or specialized salary surveys.
  • Competitor Analysis: Examine the compensation practices of your competitors. This can provide valuable insights into market trends and help you benchmark your compensation packages.
  • Cost of Living: Consider the cost of living in your area. Salaries should reflect local economic conditions to ensure that employees can maintain a reasonable standard of living.

Step #4: Define Pay Structure

Create a transparent pay structure that outlines salary ranges for each job role. 

This structure ensures consistency and fairness in compensation decisions.

To create a comprehensive pay structure, you can do this:

  • Salary Bands: Create salary bands or ranges for each job role. These bands should encompass a minimum and maximum salary, allowing for flexibility within each position.
  • Grade Levels: Assign grade levels or levels of responsibility to different roles within your organization. Higher grade levels typically correspond to more senior positions with greater responsibilities.
  • Internal Equity: Ensure that your pay structure maintains internal equity. Jobs with similar responsibilities and requirements should fall within similar salary ranges.

Step #5: Benefits Selection

Choose the benefits you’ll offer, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. 

Tailor these to meet the needs and expectations of your workforce.

To create the perfect benefit for your company, you can:

  • Identify Core Benefits: Determine the core benefits you’ll offer to employees. This may include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and any other benefits that align with your company’s values and employee needs.
  • Customization: Consider offering customizable benefits packages, allowing employees to select options that best suit their individual circumstances.
  • Cost Analysis: Assess the costs associated with providing benefits and factor them into your compensation budget.

Step #6: Performance Metrics

Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will drive performance-based incentives. These metrics should align with your business goals.

This can include:

  • KPI Selection: Choose key performance indicators (KPIs) that are directly linked to your company’s strategic goals. These metrics will serve as the basis for performance-based incentives.
  • Clear Goals: Ensure that performance goals are clear, measurable, and achievable. Employees should understand how their performance will be assessed.
  • Regular Reviews: Implement a regular performance review process to evaluate employee performance against established KPIs. Provide feedback and guidance for improvement.

Step #7: Bonus Structure

Design a bonus structure that rewards exceptional performance. 

Consider both short-term and long-term incentives to motivate your employees.

The best practices for designing a great bonus structure can include:

  • Bonus Types: Determine the types of bonuses you’ll offer, such as annual performance bonuses, project-based bonuses, or sales incentives.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Define the eligibility criteria for bonuses. This could include achieving specific performance targets, meeting project deadlines, or contributing to company goals.
  • Bonus Calculations: Clearly outline how bonuses will be calculated. Whether it’s a percentage of salary or a fixed amount, transparency is essential.

Step #8: Communication Plan

Develop a clear communication strategy to explain the compensation plan to your employees. Ensure they understand how it works and how they can progress within the plan.

Here are some best practices to do this:

  • Transparency: Develop a communication plan that emphasizes transparency. Explain how your compensation plan works, including the factors considered for salary adjustments and bonus eligibility.
  • Employee Education: Educate your employees about the value of their total compensation, including base salary, benefits, and potential bonuses.
  • Channels: Determine the communication channels you’ll use to relay compensation information, such as employee meetings, company-wide emails, or online resources.

Step #9: Regular Reviews

Set up a schedule for regular compensation reviews.

These reviews should include salary adjustments, bonus evaluations, and benefits updates to keep your plan relevant.

Here’s how to implement regular reviews:

  • Scheduled Reviews: Establish a schedule for regular compensation reviews. This may be annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, depending on your company’s needs.
  • Adjustment Criteria: Clearly define the criteria for salary adjustments and bonus evaluations. Consider factors like individual performance, market conditions, and company performance.
  • Feedback: Encourage open feedback from employees during compensation reviews. This dialogue can help identify potential issues and ensure employees feel heard and valued.

Step #10: Flexibility and Adaptation

Lastly, remain flexible and open to change. 

As your business evolves, so should your compensation plan. Adapt to industry shifts, company growth, and changing employee needs.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Be prepared to adjust it as your company evolves, industry conditions change, or new benefits become available.
  • Continuously monitor the job market and industry trends to ensure that your compensation plan remains competitive.
  • Establish a feedback loop with employees to gather their input on the compensation plan. Their insights can help you make necessary adjustments and improvements.

Remember, it’s all about finding that perfect balance between what your employees deserve and what your business can provide.

Create an Attractive Compensation Plan for Employees Now!

In this blog, we’ve covered everything you need to create a winning employee compensation plan. 

Now, it’s time for you to put these into action. 

Take the ten steps we’ve outlined, and tailor them to your company’s needs and goals. 

With the right compensation plan in place, you can nurture a motivated workforce that propels your business forward.

And to improve your employees’ experience further, check out our Employee Perks Report!

It offers a side-by-side comparison of the savings provided by our industry’s top discount providers. 

By offering these perks, you can amplify the value of your compensation package and ensure your employees feel truly appreciated.

Ready to take your compensation plan to the next level? 

Dive into our Employee Perks Report and start transforming your workplace today! 

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Abenity offers real savings for the people counting on you. Click below to see how you can supercharge your employee benefits package.

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