How to Measure Employee Engagement: 8 Methods to Find and Solve Your Engagement Issues 

Aug 10, 2023 | Retaining Employees

Josh Rust

As Abenity's Marketing Manager, Josh has a keen insight into the latest HR and recruiting trends.

You’ve started to see less work getting done, more arguments, fewer people joining in team activities, and overall, people just don’t seem as happy as they used to be.

It’s obvious that your workers aren’t as involved as they used to be…but the big question is, why?

We’ve seen this sort of thing a lot, and we won’t just tell you why it’s happening—we’ll also show you how to fix it.

The good news is there are ways to tackle this problem directly.

In this post, we’ll show you how to spot a work environment where people aren’t interested—and how to dig deep to find out why this is happening.

But first, let’s take a minute to talk about why it’s a big problem when workers aren’t interested in their jobs.

Why is it a big deal, and what signs should you look for to see if your workers might be losing interest?

Are Your Employees Engaged? 5 Signs of a Tired Work Environment 

1. Productivity problems 

If your employees are struggling to meet deadlines or maintain high standards, they might be feeling disconnected from their work.

Keeping an eye on their efficiency and effectiveness can help you spot any productivity dips before they become major issues.

2. Conflicts

While a little bit of conflict is normal in any workplace, frequent arguing and a lack of interest in resolving conflicts could be a sign of disengagement. 

Make sure you’re taking the time to hear your team’s concerns and address any issues as they arise.

3. Isolation

Is your team skipping out on team-building activities or acting unenthusiastic about group projects? 

This could be a sign that they’re feeling disconnected from their coworkers and the company as a whole.

4. Attitude adjustments

Changes in attitude can be normal, but if you’re noticing irritability, distraction, or frequent tardiness, it could be a sign that your employees are feeling disengaged. 

Take the time to check in with them and see if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed.

5. Customer satisfaction slumps 

If you’re seeing a decline in customer satisfaction ratings, it might be a reflection of your team’s declining engagement levels. 

Keeping an eye on customer reviews (or gathering feedback through a conversational chatbot, for example) can help you gauge how your employees are feeling and take action if necessary.

By keeping these five signs in mind, you’ll be better equipped to identify any engagement issues and address them head-on. 

Let’s get your team feeling motivated and energized again!

The 3 Basic Drivers of Employee Engagement & Why They Matter 

Here’s the thing: engaged employees are not only more productive but also more likely to stick around in their jobs. 

So let’s talk about the three basic drivers of employee engagement according to the book “Drive” by Daniel Pink and why they matter.

1. Autonomy

Giving employees the freedom to make decisions and control their work environment is like giving them the keys to their own kingdom. 

When employees feel trusted and empowered, they’re more likely to take ownership of their work, come up with creative solutions, and contribute their unique talents to the success of the company. 

2. Mastery

Employees who feel they are developing new skills and improving their abilities are more likely to be engaged in their work. 

Providing opportunities for growth and development not only keeps employees motivated but also helps them stay ahead of the game. 

That’s right. They will become even more valuable assets to the company.

3. Purpose

When employees understand the impact of their work and how it connects to a larger purpose, it ignites a sense of passion and commitment. 

It’s like giving them a noble mission.

And helping employees understand the impact of their work and connecting it to a larger purpose can be a powerful motivator.

How to Choose the Right Employee Engagement Metrics for Your Measurements

Measuring employee engagement is essential for organizations to gauge the satisfaction and motivation levels of their employees. 

By choosing the right metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the engagement levels in your workplace. 

Here are four key employee engagement metrics to consider:

1. Employee turnover rate

Employee turnover rate is a crucial metric that measures the number of employees who leave the organization within a specific period. 

High turnover rates may indicate a lack of engagement, job dissatisfaction, or other issues within the organization. 

Monitoring turnover rates by department or team can help you identify patterns and take proactive measures to address any engagement gaps.

2. Attendance and punctuality

Regular attendance and punctuality are indicators of an engaged workforce. 

Monitoring them can help you assess employees’ level of commitment and engagement. 

High absenteeism or frequent late arrivals may indicate problems that could spiral out of control.

3. Employee participation in training and development 

Engaged employees are eager to learn and grow in their roles. 

Tracking employee participation in training and development programs can provide insights into their level of engagement. 

High participation rates may indicate a motivated and engaged workforce, while low participation rates may signal a need for further engagement initiatives or opportunities for skill development.

4. Employee feedback and suggestions 

Employee feedback and suggestions are valuable indicators of engagement levels. 

Engaged employees are more likely to share their feedback and suggestions for improvement. Monitoring and analyzing employee feedback and suggestions can help you identify areas of concern or areas where employees feel valued and engaged. 

This can also foster a culture of open communication and continuous improvement in the organization.

Choosing the right employee engagement metrics is crucial for gaining insights into the engagement levels of your workforce. 

By monitoring and analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas of improvement, implement targeted interventions, and pave the way for your business’s success!

8 Employee Engagement Measurement Methods to Find the Root of the Problem 

So how do you fix it? When it comes to measuring employee engagement, make sure you’re using the right methods to get accurate results. 

So let’s dive into the nine employee engagement measurement methods that can help you figure this out:

1. Employee surveys

This is the classic method of employee engagement measurement. 

You can ask questions about job satisfaction, company culture, and other factors that can impact engagement. 

Just make sure you’re not bombarding your employees with too many surveys, or they might start to feel like they’re stuck in an episode of “The Office.”

This method is also beneficial because it allows employers to measure changes in engagement levels over time.

When designing an employee feedback survey, it’s important to ensure that the questions are specific, relevant, and actionable. 

The survey should cover areas like job satisfaction, leadership effectiveness, communication, and overall engagement. 

The results of the survey should be analyzed to identify areas where improvements can be made and actions can be taken to address specific issues.

2. One-on-one interviews

Sometimes, it’s better to have a face-to-face conversation to understand an employee’s engagement level. 

It can also be a good opportunity to build rapport and trust with your team members. 

But be warned: if you’re not a good listener, this method might not be for you. You don’t want to end up like that awkward friend who only talks about themselves.

One-on-one meetings are a great way for managers to connect with their employees regularly. These meetings can be used to discuss work performance, career development, and overall job satisfaction. 

By having regular one-on-one meetings, managers can identify any issues that may be impacting employee engagement and take action to address them.

It’s important for managers to actively listen during these meetings and take note of any concerns or suggestions that employees may have. 

Show your employees that their feedback is valued and acted upon—managers can help to boost employee engagement and morale.

3. Focus groups

If you want to get a group perspective on employee engagement, consider hosting a focus group. 

Focus groups can be a great way to get in-depth feedback from a group of employees. This method involves gathering a small group of employees together to discuss specific topics related to employee engagement. The moderator asks questions and facilitates the discussion, allowing employees to share their thoughts and ideas.

This can be a great way to uncover issues that might be affecting multiple employees. 

Just make sure you’re not letting any one person dominate the conversation, or you might end up with a group of passive listeners instead of active participants.

Focus groups can be particularly useful for identifying common themes and issues among employees. This method can also help to foster a sense of community and collaboration among team members.

4. Performance reviews

While performance reviews are typically used to evaluate job performance, they can also be a good way to gauge employee engagement. 

Are they meeting their goals? Are they taking on new challenges? Or are they just going through the motions? 

Just make sure you’re not turning this into a “gotcha” moment, or you might end up with a bunch of defensive employees.

5. Social media activity

In today’s world, social media can be a good indicator of how employees feel about their jobs. 

Are they sharing company news and updates on their social channels? Or are they complaining about their job on Twitter or in Instagram comments

Keep an eye on what your employees are saying online and see if there are any red flags.

6. Employee engagement measurement tools

There are a variety of software tools available that can help you measure employee engagement, from pulse surveys to mood trackers. 

Here are a few examples of employee engagement measurement tools:

  • Slack: Slack is a popular team collaboration tool that allows employees to communicate and collaborate in real time,
  • TINYpulse: TINYpulse is an employee engagement software that provides a platform for organizations to measure and track employee feedback, satisfaction, and engagement. It offers features like anonymous surveys, pulse polls, and recognition tools to gather insights and feedback from employees, helping organizations identify areas of improvement and take action to enhance employee engagement.
  • 15Five: 15Five is a performance management and employee engagement software that provides a platform for employees and managers to set goals, provide feedback, and have regular check-ins. 
  • Bonusly: Bonusly is an employee recognition software that allows employees to recognize and appreciate their peers’ efforts and achievements. It offers a user-friendly platform for employees to give and receive recognition.
  • Kazoo: Kazoo is an all-in-one employee experience and engagement platform that offers a range of tools for recognition, performance management, feedback, and surveys. It provides organizations with a comprehensive solution to measure, improve, and sustain employee engagement levels.

These are just a few examples of the many employee engagement software options you can use.

Each software has its unique features and benefits, and you can choose the one that aligns with your specific needs and goals to enhance employee engagement and drive overall workplace productivity.

Just make sure you’re not relying too heavily on technology and forgetting to have real conversations!

7. Stay Interviews

Stay interviews are similar to exit interviews, but instead of asking why an employee is leaving, you ask why they are staying

This method can be an effective way to measure employee engagement because it allows you to identify what is keeping your employees engaged and what areas need improvement.

Stay interviews should be conducted by a manager or supervisor who has a good understanding of the employee’s job and work environment. 

The interviewer should ask questions about the employee’s job satisfaction, career goals, and any areas where they feel the company could improve.

8. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a method for measuring employee loyalty and engagement. This method is based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is commonly used to measure customer loyalty.

To calculate the eNPS, employees are asked to rate on a scale of 0-10 how likely they are to recommend the company as a place to work to their friends and family. Employees who give a score of 9 or 10 are considered promoters, while those who give a score of 6 or below are considered detractors.

The eNPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. A high eNPS score indicates that employees are highly engaged and loyal to the company, while a low score may indicate that improvements need to be made to boost engagement levels.

There you have it

Empower Your Workforce to Boost Your Business Success!

It’s clear that employee engagement plays a vital role in the success of any organization. 

Engaged employees are more productive, motivated, and committed to their work—which leads to better business results. 

On the other hand, disengaged employees can cost a company in terms of lost productivity, high turnover rates, and reduced profitability.

To avoid the negative effects of disengagement, it’s essential to measure and improve employee engagement levels in your organization. 

Implement the tried and tested methods and find the one that works best for your organization. 

By measuring employee engagement and addressing any issues that arise, you can create a more engaged and productive workforce, leading to better business outcomes.

Remember, engaged employees are one of the keys to your success.

So step up and be the employer everyone wants to work for!

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