How to Develop an Employee Engagement Strategy: 8 Engagement Techniques to Motivate Your Employees

Aug 10, 2023 | Retaining Employees

Josh Rust

As Abenity's Marketing Manager, Josh has a keen insight into the latest HR and recruiting trends.

Keeping your workers happy and interested is key to making any company do well.

Workers who don’t care can make work harder, lower spirits, and make people want to quit.

But with everything in business moving so quickly these days, it can be tough to keep your workers excited about their job.

That’s why it’s so important to make a plan that not only gets their attention but also ignites their passion.

Workers who are really into their job will work harder, take the lead, and stick with your company as it aims for success.

If your workers are losing their spark and energy, it’s time for you to step in.

In this post, we’ll talk about the problem of workers who just don’t care and look at how this can hurt your company.

What Factors Impact Employee Engagement? 

According to Gallup, before the pandemic, 51% of employees said they were “not engaged,” while 69% stated they were actively disengaged. 

As a leader, it’s your duty to understand what motivates your employees and keeps them engaged at work.

And according to “Drive” by Daniel Pink, the three factors that have a significant impact on employee engagement are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. 

Let’s take a closer look at each one.

1. Autonomy

Autonomy is essential to employees because it gives them a sense of control over their work. 

When employees feel that they have the power to make decisions and direct their own work, it gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. 

This sense of ownership motivates employees to take pride in their work and feel more invested in the company’s success. 

Furthermore, when employees have autonomy, they are more likely to be productive because they feel empowered and responsible for their work.

2. Mastery

Employees want to become better at what they do. 

They want to develop their skills and become experts in their field. 

So when employees have the opportunity to learn and grow, they feel more engaged and motivated. 

But that’s not all. 

When employees become masters at what they do, it benefits the company. 

Because highly skilled and knowledgeable employees can solve problems more efficiently, provide better service to customers, and contribute to the company’s overall success.

3. Purpose

Everyone wants to feel like their work matters and that they are part of something bigger than themselves. 

When employees have a sense of purpose, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to the company’s mission. 

This sense of purpose motivates employees to work harder and go above and beyond what is required of them. 

If a company can give its employees a sense of purpose, then they will feel more fulfilled and motivated to contribute to the company’s success.

These three main drivers are very important to understand. 

By understanding what motivates your employees, you can create a more engaged and motivated workforce.

And a motivated workforce is definitely something that you want in your company.

8 Employee Engagement Techniques to Include in Your Strategy  

1. Give Your Team a Voice

Here’s the thing: when employees feel like their opinions matter, they become more invested in their work and are more likely to contribute to the company’s success. 

So, it’s important to create a culture of inclusiveness and innovation.

One way to do this is by encouraging your employees to share their thoughts and ideas. 

You can set up idea-sharing platforms or brainstorming sessions where everyone is free to express themselves. 

Not only does this foster creativity and collaboration, but it also gives employees a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Remember, a team that feels heard is a team that feels valued. 

So take the time to listen to your employees and show them that their contributions matter. Trust us, you’ll be surprised at the great ideas they come up with!

2. Celebrate Good Work

We all know how great it feels to receive recognition for a job well done. 

It’s like a shot of adrenaline. 

So as a leader, it’s essential to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of your team members.

One of the best ways to do this is by offering public praise or recognition. 

It can be as simple as giving a shout-out during a team meeting or highlighting their achievements in a company-wide newsletter or social media post. 

It shows that you are paying attention to their efforts and that you appreciate their contributions to the company’s success.

But why stop there? You could also consider offering incentives like bonuses, gift cards, or extra time off to reward exceptional performance. 

Not only will this motivate your team members to work harder, but it will also create a positive work environment and reinforce the behaviors that drive your company’s success.

Don’t be afraid to let your team know that you see and appreciate their hard work. Celebrate their successes, and watch your team’s engagement and productivity soar!

3. Foster Professional Development

Just like a plant needs sunlight and water to flourish, employees need opportunities to learn, grow, and develop their skills to thrive in their roles. 

One way to do this is by offering regular training sessions, workshops, or webinars that are relevant to their roles and interests.

This could include industry-specific certifications (e.g., a Master’s degree in project management), skill-building courses, or leadership development programs.

Keep it engaging and interactive, with plenty of opportunities for team members to apply what they’ve learned in real-world scenarios.

Encourage your team members to share their ideas for improvement and innovation. 

Foster a culture of continuous learning and curiosity by encouraging them to seek out new challenges, stretch their limits, and push their boundaries. 

Emphasize the importance of personal and professional development and provide the necessary resources and support to facilitate their growth.

Remember, providing opportunities for growth and development not only enhances the skills and knowledge of your team members but also boosts their morale, motivation, and engagement. 

Keep the growth mindset alive, and watch your team members go above and beyond for you.

4. Create a Culture of Communication

Communication is the backbone of any successful team. 

Without it, ideas can get lost in translation, misunderstandings can arise, and collaboration can suffer. That’s why it’s crucial to create an environment that encourages open and honest communication among team members.

Encourage your team members to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of judgment or retribution.

But it’s not just about you—encourage your team members to communicate with each other too! 

Set up daily standups, brainstorming sessions, or even casual virtual coffee breaks where everyone can freely exchange ideas and thoughts. 

Remember, effective communication is a two-way street. So keep those lines of communication wide open for a more engaged and connected team!

5. Live Your Company Values

Living your company values is a powerful tool to create a cohesive and productive workplace.

Your company’s core values define who you are and what you stand for, and it’s crucial to uphold them and integrate them into your daily operations.

One of the most effective ways to do this is by leading by example. 

Don’t just expect your employees to follow your words.

Demonstrate your commitment to your company’s values and principles through your actions and decisions. This will inspire your team to follow your lead and uphold these values themselves.

Additionally, integrating your company’s values into your hiring and onboarding processes is essential to ensure that new employees are aligned with your company’s culture and mission. 

This helps to build a team that shares the same values, which ultimately leads to increased engagement, higher job satisfaction, and a better bottom line for your business.

Remember, your company’s core values are the foundation of your culture and identity. 

Live these values and incorporate them into your daily operations. 

Create a workplace that is not only productive but also fulfilling and meaningful for your employees.

6. Invest in Your Leadership Team. 

If you want to build a happy and engaged workforce, investing in your leadership team is a no-brainer.

After all, a great manager can make all the difference between an employee who loves their job and one who’s just biding their time until quitting time.

So when it comes to selecting managers, don’t just settle for someone who’s good at delegating tasks. 

Look for leaders who can inspire and motivate their team, communicate clearly and effectively, and handle tough decisions with ease.

You want someone who can lead by example and make everyone around them better. 

You can’t fully comprehend bad leadership until you’ve worked under it.

Your employees will thank you for ensuring they have a good one.

7. Connect Your Team to a Bigger Mission

Connecting your team to a bigger mission isn’t just good for your company’s bottom line—it’s good for your employees’ morale too. 

When your team understands how their work contributes to a larger goal, they feel a sense of purpose and are more motivated to do their best work.

Start by communicating your company’s mission and vision in a way that resonates with your employees. 

Help them see how their individual contributions fit into the bigger picture. This can be as simple as sharing success stories that demonstrate how the work of individual team members helped the company achieve its goals.

You can also create opportunities for employees to work on projects that have a positive impact on the community or society at large. Giving your team the chance to contribute to something meaningful outside of work can help them feel more fulfilled and engaged in their jobs.

Remember, connecting your team to a bigger mission isn’t just about making them feel good—it’s also a smart business strategy. 

Engaged employees are more productive, more committed to their work, and more likely to stick around for the long haul.

8. Act on Your Employee’s Feedback

If you want them to respect you, you have to listen to them.

Actively listening to and addressing your employees’ feedback is vital.

After all, your employees want to know that their opinions matter and that their concerns are taken seriously. 

By incorporating feedback channels such as surveys, suggestion boxes, or regular check-ins, you can create a culture of open communication and show your team that you value their input.

When you receive feedback from your employees, it’s important to take action on it promptly and appropriately. 

Addressing their concerns and grievances in a timely manner demonstrates your commitment to their well-being and job satisfaction. It also helps build trust and shows that you are actively working towards creating a positive work environment where their voices are heard.

Just like with any good conversation, listening is only the first step. 

Taking action on the feedback you receive is crucial to showing your employees you value their ideas and are willing to make changes based on their input. 

This can involve implementing process improvements, providing additional resources or support, or addressing any issues or challenges that may be affecting their engagement or productivity.

Remember, feedback is a gift, and acting on it shows that you appreciate and value the opinions of your employees.

It also helps to foster a culture of continuous improvement, where everyone in the team feels empowered to contribute their ideas and suggestions. 

So, be sure to actively listen, take action, and show your employees that their feedback matters.

Incorporating these employee engagement techniques into your strategy can help create a workplace where employees feel valued, empowered, and motivated to do their best work. 

So start implementing these employee engagement strategy examples today and watch your team thrive.

How to Develop an Employee Engagement Strategy

Creating the perfect employee engagement strategy will take time. 

But here’s the thing: it is vital to the success and growth of any organization. 

So now that you have the best employee engagement strategies, let’s get right into the five key steps to develop an employee engagement strategy that will help your company thrive.

Step #1: Identify the Root Cause of the Problem 

Before you jump into action and start crafting your master plan for boosting employee engagement, you gotta figure out what’s really going on.

There are various tools and methods available to diagnose and assess the level of employee engagement within a company, such as surveys, focus groups, and interviews. 

By identifying the root cause of the problem, you can focus on creating solutions that address the specific issues.

Step #2: Choose from the Eight Methods to Solve the Problem

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. This is where the eight methods of employee engagement techniques we discussed earlier come into play. 

By implementing these techniques, you can create a tailor-made engagement strategy that fits your company like a glove. 

Remember to prioritize which techniques to focus on based on the root cause of the problem. 

Step #3: Develop a Plan 

Now that you’ve identified the areas that need a little engagement boost and have decided on the techniques to use, it’s time to chart your course. 

It’s important to involve your employees in the planning process to get them on board and invested in the plan. 

Take the time to create a step-by-step plan for implementing the engagement strategy, so you can ensure it’s executed smoothly and effectively.

Creating a step-by-step plan for implementing the engagement strategy will help ensure that it is effectively rolled out.

Step #4: Execute the Plan 

The planning is done, and now it’s time to take action. 

But don’t forget, communication and training are key to ensuring your engagement strategy is a success. 

Make sure your team is on board and knows what to do. Measure your progress along the way, and make any necessary adjustments to keep things running smoothly. 

Step #5: Follow-up 

To make sure your efforts are paying off, you need to follow up and measure the impact over time. 

This way, you can adjust your strategy to keep things moving in the right direction. 

There are various tools and methods available to measure the impact of the engagement strategy, such as surveys, focus groups, and performance metrics. 

By following up, you can continue to make adjustments to the engagement strategy and ensure that your employees remain engaged and motivated.

Empower Your Workforce by Building a Winning Employee Engagement Strategy!

Employee engagement is a critical factor for the success of any organization, as it leads to higher productivity, increased employee satisfaction, and improved retention rates. 

Employee engagement is not just a buzzword—but a powerful tool for driving organizational success. 

And now that you have the necessary tools in your toolbelt, it’s time to take action.

Create an engaging work environment that will benefit your employees. 

And watch your company go to the next level!

If you want to elevate your employee engagement strategy to new heights, 

Check out our Perks report for more insights!!

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